Let’s talk about self love. This is the most important, the most vital thing you need for happiness in your life. Self-love can take your life experiences to the next level as well as make your goals and dreams possible. This topic is something that I have struggled with since last year. I found myself lost and not really confident in the person I was. Not only does self love make you better, and happy, it also helps improve and maintain your relationships.
Allows you to love others in a better way
I’ve heard this saying before “You can never full love someone else if you don’t love yourself first.” Sure you may feel an amount of love for a certain person; but the capability to be able to express it in a healthy way can be a trial for some. At times, when you don’t fully love yourself, you will sabotage the love that you receive from another because you don’t know what love is. You’ll be able to accept the compliments instead of responding back with a negative thought about yourself. In the end you will be able to have healthier relationships with a good foundation to stand on.
Self Satisfaction
Once you fully love yourself more, you won’t need the validation of others. When you seek validation from others constantly, it can be draining to the other person. You need to be able to know within yourself that you are confident in the person you are. Once you get to this stage, this confidence will radiate without you needing to hear it from anyone else. Now it’s okay to receive positive affirmations from someone but you shouldn’t depend on it to feel better about yourself. The need for acceptance will be less when you truly begin to accept yourself.
Better motivation
Being able to fully love yourself gives you a better motivation factor. Sometimes you will find yourself content with the life you have but in reality you actually crave more for yourself. You just may not be as confident to go after those goals and dreams you have in life. This can be because you feel as if you don’t deserve it or you could be scared of failure. Once you realize you deserve all the happiness and push through that self doubt; you will be more driven to go after your dreams. You just have to believe in yourself first.
Knowing your worth

When you fully love yourself, you also realize your worth. You won’t tolerate anything less than what you deserve and set boundaries with others; while sticking to them. This doesn’t have to only relate to relationships. Knowing your worth can be in all type of aspects within your life. Whether it’s within the workplace, friends, or family; it’s up to you to decide what you will tolerate.
The journey to self love is not an easy journey. It’s going to take a lot of patience, and understanding from yourself and others. But once you get there, the satisfaction you feel will be the best reward. All it takes is the right and necessary steps to get there. Don’t forget you deserve happiness too!
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Kelondra! This was a phenomenal post that resonated with me so well. At one point I was all of these things. I did not have love for myself so I couldn’t properly love others. I used to to seek validation from others. I had issues with motivating myself because I did not know how to love myself. I did not realize my worth until almost 2 years ago. I can attest that the journey to self-love takes time and is not a smooth road. Self-love comes with loving all parts of yourself no matter how bad they may be. I truly loved this post sis!