Motherhood burnout is quite real and is surprisingly more common than people think. For the past few weeks I noticed that I was experiencing this. I found myself losing my patience very easily, and raising my voice more often. There were even times where I would go hide in the closet, just to have a few minutes to myself. While this was happening, each time I felt immediate guilt for reacting that way. Each day is still a process but there are ways to cope with it. Check out the the different ways to cope with Motherhood Burnout below!
Take A Break
Now when I say “take a break” it simply means to stop doing everything and just relax. Take a break from doing dishes, giving the kids a bath, or cooking dinner. This is where your partner, or husband can jump in and take over those tasks for you. You can even have a close family relative take the kids for the weekend, while you catch up on some much needed rest and alone time.
Ask For Help
This was something I struggled with for awhile. I would sometimes feel guilty for asking for help. I felt like “well I’m the mother so it’s my job to care for my child 24 hours 365 days out of the year”. Having this mentality can cause you to have this burnout as well. I’ve grown to realize how important it is to rely on your support system. This help can come in many different forms such as, dropping the kids off at a trusted family member for a few days.
Work on your passion
Another reason you could be feeling this burnout is because you lost your passion. There could have been something that you very much enjoyed doing or something that you would love to do but haven’t actually fulfilled doing. For me I was so focused on being a mother and taking care of my partner and sons needs that I completely forgot about me. I struggled with confidence in myself and was letting my self doubt keep me from accomplishing my goals. Now here we are I created my blog and fulfilled one of my goals in life. Find what it is you want to fulfill for your life and create the space so that you can achieve it.
Giving yourself permission
Now finally I really want to encourage you to know that it is okay to be imperfect. Listen we all get frustrated, cry, and overwhelmed; but you have to know you are doing the best you can! Motherhood is not easy, and can be very challenging at times. The fact that you are raising a strong tiny human to grow up into this world already speaks volumes in itself. Don’t be too hard on yourself and give yourself the biggest hug. You’ve got this mama!
I hope this post was helpful to any mama struggling with Motherhood Burnout. I know exactly how you feel and it does get better. If you have struggled with this and have some more tips, drop them down below!
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This was so helpful! I’m actyally learning to take more breaks because those actyally do help. The last week my husband has been picking up in where I slack and I just appreciate him and the time I get to just unwind and clear my thoughts.
These are such good tips. I am preparing for my break right now!
I loved these tips! Learning to ask for help is still something Iβm learning to do. Thanks for the reminder that it is necessary to prevent burnout!
Girl girl girl!!!! I reached my burnout last week and it was rough! My temper and patience were super short but like you stated I had to give myself permission to get out of the house and enjoy myself without the baby and it felt so good.
The burn out is real and I struggle with asking for help. I think I can do it myself, but really cant and that is ok. Normalizing asking for help.
Taking a break is a big one and we let so much time pass before we actually do it. Love all of the tips that you shared!
These are great tips! All of which I’ve been actively working on the past few months, bc I was getting overwhelmed without realizing there were ways I could combat it. Thanks for sharing!