As the new year is starting to creep upon us, I decided that I wanted to share some of my goals for the new year. Now I know that everyone seems to do these, but honestly I think it’s a good way to get inspired; while also holding yourself accountable for those goals. Below I have created a list of my plans and goals for the new year. Check them out below!
Organize Better
This has been something that has been on my to-do list for the longest. I’m always on Pinterest and get inspired by all of the organization ideas. My first thing to tackle will be my kitchen pantry. I have so many unnecessary pasta boxes; and it takes up so make space. The next area I will more than likely focus on is the bathrooms, and the linen closet. I’m making sure that in 2020, everything stays organized so I will be less stressed when trying to find an item I need!
Meal Prepping
Working a full time job, and then coming home to cook everyday can be so stressful. So many times, I find myself not even knowing what to cook because I didn’t really prep for the week. In the year of 2020, I want to get a planner and start listing out meals that I will cook for the week. This will give me less of a headache, and will have me more prepared when grocery shopping for the week.
This is such a big factor for the year 2020. During 2019, I was pretty much going with the flow. Not really taking the time to see what my money was being spent on; with barely any savings. For the new year, I’m going to start making myself accountable and create a budget plan for my family. This will help us with reaching our goal (which is to buy a house). Now I know that this will be a challenge, but I know in the end my family will be more secure.
Build Social Media Presence
During the year 2019, my social media has grown, but I want it to grow even bigger in 2020. In order for me to do that, I know that I have to stay consistent with my social media, and engage with others! Especially with this new algorithm change Instagram has done, it’s kind of more harder to get noticed on social media. I will be using a planner to plan out my content each month, so that I stay consistent. Wish me luck on building my presence in social media. This is a big goal of mine!
Network with Other Bloggers
So many times, I have had the opportunity to go to different blogger events in my area; but I never take advantage of them. Then I’m left feeling regret about my decision to not go. To be honest, my introvert personality keeps me from venturing out. But for the year of 2020, I can’t keep allowing that to happen. I realize now that I will never be able to meet new people and network in this field if I don’t take the time to venture out.
Maintain Relationships
Whew, this area was a hard one in 2019. After I had my son, I was distant from my friends, and some family. I never went out, and checking in with everyone was very slim. I can’t tell you how many times someone would call me or text me, and I would forget to respond back. Now as I get older and so do my friends, our lives do get busy every once in a while. But it’s still important to have some socialization with others or a date night with my partner. This is why I’m making it a goal of mine, to stay more in touch with my loved ones. It’s extremely important.
What are your plans, and goals for the new year? How are you going to hold yourself accountable? Let’s chat below!